Gorgeous day

While the temperature isn’t quite where I prefer it again, it really is a gorgeous day outside. Bright sunlight always improves my mood. I feel like I can get a whole lot more accomplished then on other days. Today’s agenda includes laundry, scrubbing my kitchen, and working on my new business.

I saw one of our letters that we can send out…it said, Do you know someone that eats or buys gas? It’s funny and really seriously hits the point of MPB Today. These are things we all have to do, but now there is a way where we won’t have to spend that money out of our own pockets anymore! After filling my van with $80.50 in gas the other day, the timing could not be any better! I got a new page too! http://www.groceriesforfree.biz/decafmama.

I love Tuesdays. We don’t have to rush off to dance classes, or do anything else for the most part. Every other Tuesday I have my counselling usually, so that is where I will be tonight. Always nice to have some me time 🙂


I don’t know what to do with my daughter anymore.  She loves dance…has since she was 2 years old and begged to be in ballet (Yes, she did this…  she had full sentences at 18 months, so she could easily tell me exactly what she wanted at 2…and frequently did lol).  So, she is learning at a professional dance school.  Unfortunately her love of dance does mean that she has many classes each week and therefore has a lot less time to play with friends than other kids.  Today, she asked if she could skip class and if it had been ballet, I might have said yes this once, but since it was tap and then Jazz, they are doing their rehearsals for the show during class and she really can’t miss.  But class started 2 minutes ago, and I can’t find her.  I told her 3 separate times what time to be home and she indicated that she understood.  I also told her it was the last time, if she was late this time, she would not be allowed to play before classes anymore…which only leaves Tuesdays to play, and Fridays since class isn’t until late evening.  So, That would be where it stands now…  no more.  She will be grounded for tomororrow as well which is her only totally free day at all during the week.  Maybe in a few weeks, I’ll allow play inside our home but I gotta cool off before then.  🙂

Thanks Becca!

My friend Becca made this awesome video. Thought I’d share it 😀

Wellness Coaching

So through my counselling sessions, I was connected with a wonderful lady who is getting certified in wellness coaching. This struck me as a wonderful opportunity because she needed someone to get real experience with and I can use all the help I can get. 🙂

I have met with her twice now.  This last week we came up with my overall goals of who I see myself as in the future.   Then we also came up with 3-month goals and weekly goals.  This week my goals are to get a scale (was to buy but a friend of mine gave me her old one), do one load of laundry per day at around 10 AM, take the dog for a 10+ minute walk around 1 PM, and research a few exercise programs as my weight is one of the major things I want to focus on right now.

I weighed myself for the first time yesterday and came up with my starting weight.  Not entirely sure if the scale is accurate, but I figure I will be using it for number of pounds lost and not care too much about actual weight until I get closer to my goal.  I’m very excited about this process.  A whole closet full of clothes is waiting for me  😀

Eliminating my grocery bill and beginning to work from home!

Forgot to mention some other exciting news for me!

Staying at home with my kids is very important to me, but I wanted to be able to do something to maybe make a little extra income for our family. Just recently, I found a wonderful opportunity! I can earn free groceries and/or gift cards, as well as some extra spending money.

How much do you pay for groceries?? The average amount is $500 to $800 per month! I was floored when I heard that. Check out my website at mpbtoday.com/dquist if you would like more information!


Added my new landing page.  I LOVE the video on the left the best!  😀



Feeling inspired by a friend’s blog, so I’ve started yet another one. Can’t guarantee that I will keep up with it, but it’s a new start. Been a rollercoaster year. Various issues really brought me down, which in turn caused more issues. Keeping up my house has been a huge part of that. I’m happy to say that as of now, things are looking pretty good though, and my mission now is to keep it up.

Budgeting is also a source of stress, and while we’re trying our hardest right now to follow one, we have messed up quite a bit in the past and therefore is hard to catch up and get right. I think we’re really trying and one day we’ll see the other side of the hill. I go to counselling every other week and I quite honestly can’t imagine life without it. My husband is awesome at listening to me and helping me, but sometimes I just need that total outsider view.

Tonight I got to see my daughter in action.  She had two of her dance classes and it was observation week so I was able to sit in on them.  It’s amazing what she has learned and is able to do.  Really makes me proud of her for her efforts.  My son has become the scholastic one.  He is like every other child in the world in that he doesn’t want to do his homework, but he will freak out if he doesn’t get it done, or it isn’t done correctly.  His reading and spelling has soared past all expectations which is wonderful.  Very proud of him too.  They are both hard workers.

Hello world!

My name is Deeanne,  married to Erik, and mama to two wonderful children K and R.  I love to play World of Warcraft as well as the Xbox and Wii.  Coffee is a beautiful thing.  😀  Hopefully I will be posting random thoughts, my journeys to a better me, etc.

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