Wellness Coaching

So through my counselling sessions, I was connected with a wonderful lady who is getting certified in wellness coaching. This struck me as a wonderful opportunity because she needed someone to get real experience with and I can use all the help I can get. 🙂

I have met with her twice now.  This last week we came up with my overall goals of who I see myself as in the future.   Then we also came up with 3-month goals and weekly goals.  This week my goals are to get a scale (was to buy but a friend of mine gave me her old one), do one load of laundry per day at around 10 AM, take the dog for a 10+ minute walk around 1 PM, and research a few exercise programs as my weight is one of the major things I want to focus on right now.

I weighed myself for the first time yesterday and came up with my starting weight.  Not entirely sure if the scale is accurate, but I figure I will be using it for number of pounds lost and not care too much about actual weight until I get closer to my goal.  I’m very excited about this process.  A whole closet full of clothes is waiting for me  😀

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